Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Seth-A-Cakes

My Seth-a-cakes

He is weighing heavy on my mind! Not to complain cause he is a joy but his odd quirky health issues could drive me to drink.

The child is constantly, chronically constipated. Nothing, I mean nothing helps!

He has eczema which I treat every day! We rub Nivea, Vaseline, Eladil, Johnson’s and Johnson’s, antibiotic ointment on his parts and pieces. If I don’t put some kind of lotion on his ankles and than cover them with socks, he will rub his itchy feet on the carpet until they are raw. Hence the antibiotic ointment til they heal again. He chews on his fingers cause he is teething til they are bright red. And sucks whatever lotion I had applied off!

Tooth number #10 appeared with much fanfare. He had a rash for a week, than a fever for 60 hours. Tooth #10 appeared on his right upper jaw. But the crabbiness and finger chewing continue and the area where tooth #11 should be is red and puffy. Yesterday I was trying to bake Ryan’s favorite Vanilla Oatmeal Raisin cookies for his Birthday along with a nice dinner that he requested. I put Seth in front of the TV with toys, a dry bottom, a dose of Motrin, and a full tummy. He whined and fussed for an hour while I cooked and baked. I kept checking on him and he had no tears, his face wasn’t even red with frustration, he just had this constant fussy whine. HELP! This is not my Child! Where did he GO? When will he return!!! Hopefully teeth number 11 and 12 will come soon and we will have a break from teething.

Lets see where was I? He is refusing to eat. Hopefully just a short hiatus while he teethes but he only wants a bottle. Since he doesn’t get full during the day, we are back to once a night feedings. I can’t change him to milk cause it makes him more constipated but I am TIRED of buying formula. Since it is milk based, I have a feeling it aggravates his eczema and constipation, we go in circles. Soy makes him grumpy. Goat milk was recommended but I can’t find it in the stores and I am not buying a goat for my back yard and milking it twice a day. I’m sure the kids would like a pet goat though!

Crawling and walking! I realize when the crawling truly begins I will miss putting him in one place and expecting him to stay there. But he might be more content if he could chase after the toys he likes to through outside of his reach.

In a year, all of this will be a memory to laugh at, but not today!


diane said...

Could you please send Seth home with mom in a few weeks? And we'll take care of him. We can send him back at Christmas with the Williams or he can stay with me until next summer.

The Williams in Africa said...

Will do!

Just kidding. Tooth number 11 has made its appearance. Houston we have lift off!