Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Caleb's Stories

This month Caleb was assigned to write an explanation.

God’s Story and My Story

I like to collect shiny rocks, morrier leaves in our front yard and light dirt. I like to sell and deliver them. I sell them for nothing. They don’t have to pay. And I like my fish and I like your roses and I like Jesus with our plants to love Jesus but no Satan.

My Fish

My fish like to eat with God and we like to eat with him. The plants like the fish and our fish like the plants and the fish tank and books. The chameleon would like to see our fish. The End

One of the Bible verses he is learning is about no one can serve two masters. So he asked about that and I tried to explain that we can't follow both God and Satan, we can't sin and not sin at the same time. This morning at breakfast he said he was going to follow God.


Life in the 'Burbs said...

Those stories are just precious. Thanks for sharing!!

diane said...

Oh my goodness...I love Caleb's stories! Caleb has always been very aware of Nature and even when he prays he talks about nature.

I'm glad he decided to follow God. Next summer he's going to follow me home and live with me. The End.