Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fall Festival

I forgot to download last weeks pics on my computer so I can’t blog about what we did on Saturday. Well I guess I can journal and add the pics later.

Last term, I was on the Hospitality Committee and this term I AM NOT!!! I really enjoyed it while I was on it but don’t miss it now. We planned social activities to encourage unity. Now I just get to attend the activities and than leave when we are done!!!

Saturday was Fall Festival. There were several booths for kids to play games and win prices (chocolate stuff from the states). Also face painting, Levi was dressed as Spider Man so he had a huge spider painted on his nose and the legs extending all over his face. Caleb went in his Cheetah PJ’s. He was ok with fleece PJ’s at 8:00am but by 11:00 it was close to 80 degrees. He was sweating. He took the top off and wore it with the hood on his head and the sweatshirt part hanging down his back. Than he had cheetah spots painted on his stomach. Also cookie decorating, a bouncy castle, craft table, and a hotdog roast. We had a good time.

Seth now has 11 teeth. Yes my baby boy is 13 months old and has 11 teeth. He is happier, he sleeps better, he is starting to eat, his constipation is manageable. Oma is coming! He needs a haircut badly. But I thought I would let her see and feel his fluffy blonde hair before we cut it. He needs a cut before we go on vacation. This morning he was babbling in his crib when Ryan got up at 6:00 am. When they came to wake me up around 7:00, Ryan’s first comment was different than it has been the last several weeks. He said, “Seth was so much fun this morning”! Otherwise it was comments on his crabbiness and a look of weariness on my husbands face before he went into work. This morning he left with a smile on his face cause he had a good time with his son.

1 comment:

diane said...

Oh! That's so good to hear about Seth! I'm so proud of him!

Oma is there! YEAH!

I told her to write on your blog!