Ryan had a better time than he thought he was goint to. Said the speaker, snorkeling, and water polo were good. Ryan rarely says things are great so that they were 'good' is still saying quite a bit.
Other news, home schooling continues to go well but getting behind in other stuff including paper work. AIM switched health insurance so need to figure out new forms to submit. Let's see, getting colder here but boys still only want to wear shorts and tshirts. Was 50 degrees this morning at sunrise. In unheated houses, thats a bit nippy.
Planning one year BDAY party for Seth and need kid game ideas. Not my forte.

One thing I've always wanted to do at a 1 year party and never did was to get a huge piece of paper, like the kind teachers use on their bulletin boards. Paint Happy Birthday, Seth! across it. Then, roll it out for the kids (on the ground)and let them all color on it, do hand prints or foot prints on it, whatever...as a memoir of the first birthday.
Sarah has a good idea, hide candy in the bushes, but Titus won't like that. throw water ballons but it too cold for that. lock them all in a room together and see what happens. Bad idea. its good for ryan to get away and if it was good, it must have been great. i wish we could give seth hugs and kisses but you can do that and we will give Sam, Elle, and jack hugs and kisses instead mom
Do the limbo, w/ a very short stick. dl
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