Our menu was kid friendly, hotdogs, french fries, carrot sticks, cake, trail mix that the kids ate all the M&MS and left the rest! For the adults we had layered nacho dip.
We played farmer in the dell, duck, duck, goose, hide the stuffed bear, ring around the rosie. Caleb loved that, he always wants to play games.
Seth enjoyed his cake with tinnies in it and chocolate frosting with sprinkles on top

Ryan took the day off and was wonderful to have for the whole day. He roasted hotdogs on the gas grill we brought from the states. In the background you can see our wood pile. we have been having lots of fires in the fireplace during the cold season. Love it! Its been 50 degrees during the night and 60-65 during the day.

Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot BELIEVE how handsome my Seth is! He's not a baby anymore! He looks adorable. How are is creeping/crawling skills coming along?
Glad you had a fun birthday party! Next, Caleb will be 5!
Seth is such a sweetheart. I just love those baby blues :o) Keep the pics coming :o)
Is it not Wednesday today??? WHere is your blog??? dl
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