This is in our front yard in Seth's radio flyer cart. He likes to be outside and he can sit in this without falling over. Titus, our gardner, can wheel him around as the shade moves and Seth can be near someone. I have heard Titus talking to him and entertaining him for me if I am in the middle of something in the house.
Now you can see Seth's new buzz cut. He could almost use another trim, it's getting long around his ears again. If I email this to Oma and Nanna, can you make your own prints of it?
Seth loves to roll around on our bed. Last night he was rolling over and over til he gets stuck on the pillows at one end and than back again til he plows into me. If Ryan tell him he wants a kiss. Seth grabs both Ryan's ears and pulls Ryan's head towards him with his mouth wide open and gums Ryan on the chin or cheek.
He is getting better about tummy time and scooting his but up and down. Ryan likes to feed the cat on the kitchen floor in the mornings. He puts Seth on the floor near the cat bowl and Seth loves to play with the cats ears and tail and whatever he can reach. When he gets bored I put in a singing video, either Sesame street or Sunday School songs, and he bounces up and down with the beat.
Saturday night we were trying to think of something fun to do with the boys, just Caleb and Levi. I got a baby sitter for Seth, Michelle enjoyed a quiet hour at our house while he slept. And the four of us went out for Ethiopian food. They enjoyed the experience but were not so sure of the food. It comes on the bread which is called Njera. Its fermented dough and feels like a wash cloth. Ryan and I like it. Eating is with clean hands, peal off a sheet of the Njera and scoop up the food. We get Doto Wot which is spicy chicken and the mixed veggies. Ryan like the Tibs which is spicy goat meat but our order got a bit mixed up. The boys enjoyed sitting on couches and eating around a coffee table. That's how the restaurants are set up.
Monday was a Kenyan holiday so Ryan had the day off. He helped me go through more boxes we had put in storage while on Home Assignment. These last boxes are office and books. We have a pile of stuff for a garage sale in June. If it doesn't sell we are giving it away. I don't know where cause there is no dito's or good will here. But there is a Children's home that can always use kids clothes etc. I don't want it back in my house. I might price most of it but in the end hang up a sign that says 'make me an offer'.
Friday night, Ryan was working late so I had fed and bathed the boys and Seth was in bed. Caleb and Levi and I were sitting on our big bed and trying to read a Bible Story from a kids book that was over thier head. Since than we have put that one away and found a better age appropriate one. Levi kept fussing and not listening and I was reaching the end of my patience. So was Caleb cause he asked what was taking so long for me to read the story. I got even more impatient and now Levi is crying cause I got upset with him for being a nusaince. And told Caleb to be more patient. Anyhow I started reading again and looked over at Caleb and he is sniffling and wiping his eyes with bunnies ears. I asked him what was wrong and he bursts into tears and says he misses Titi. Once the damn broke he just cried and cried. He was trying to tell me something about Titi but was crying so hard I couldn't understand him. Now Levi is crying saying he misses Daddy. So we talked about all the fun things they used to do with Titi (and Daddy). And they settled down, we prayed, all felt better and they went to bed.
We think we might be in Nairobi a year cause the Home Assignments of all the other mechanics are stacking up. They want us to stay til everyone is back. I am trying to get out of the moving frame of mind and settle down. But its always in the back of my mind not to put down roots or do more to our house(I would like to paint our bedroom). Because we might be moving soon. But living in transition for a year isn't good either. I also need to continue to reestablish old friendships and work on new ones for how ever long we are here. Or I am going to feel very isolated. This new Bible Study is helping. My kids naptimes in the afternoons is interfering with my opportunities to continue to get deeper with Michelle and I miss Lori ALOT! Since they moved back to the states only 6 weeks before we came back to the states, I hadn't really adjusted to them being gone. So I feel like now even though its been over a year since they left, it is only setting in. I don't think I ever erased her out of my phone.
The first three weeks we were here felt surreal, like my brother and sisters and inlaws were not that far away. But as time goes by I realize I am loosing track of their day to day lives. Several have blogs which helps. I am glad my mom is coming in September and my inlaws will hopefully coming soon after. That always helps.

1 comment:
Dawn, I can't tell you enough how much I love your blogs! I love Seth's haircut, he looks like a big boy now (still baby too though). Keep up the with the good stories too...
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