Saturday, April 08, 2006

Rainy Saturdays

Ryan’s Land Rover is sitting in a field with a tarp over it. He got my truck running the first week we were here but his has been less of a priority. Every time he sets aside a morning to work on it, it has rained all night or is raining all morning. This happened again today. He listed five other projects he would rather do on a rainy Saturday but I pushed him out the door anyhow. The sooner he gets his truck running, the sooner I can have my truck all to myself. He’s got his Cabela’s rain jacket on so how wet could he possibly get?

Hopefully all he has to do is pump up the tires, put in a new battery and drive it over to our house carport. We have a double covered carport that is great to work under. And his truck is parked only a ½ mile away. Or we might have to tow it. To perceive this as an adventure and not a problem is the trick.

Levi was up bright and early this morning. Ryan took him downstairs and fed him breakfast first, cause Levi takes after me and wants to eat right away. Than they lit a fire in the fireplace to warm up the house. It’s quite cozy with sweatshirts and jeans on and a fire crackling.

When I first came to Kenya I had to do a nursing orientation to be a registered nurse in Kenya. Gloria Smethers was doing the same thing so we shared a house for about 5 months. She still works in a hot dry village up north. Whenever she comes to Nairobi she calls me up and we have her over for dinner. She likes the kids to call her Aunt Glo. So she is coming over tonight for Chicken Fajitas.

Which means grilling out. We found out our gas grill and 2 kids bikes that we are having shipped are almost to the port in Mombasa. Imagine a gas grill. Just push a button, turn a knob and it lights! Presto Magic. The charcoal grill we have used the last 3 years works great if you like to work while you cook. Needs to be cleaned regularly which Titus our Gardner does for us. Needs to be lit an hour before you want to grill so the charcoal can burn down a bit. And than the window of good grilling time is only about a ½ hour. We grill out at least once a week. And it’s a smoky mess to light with newspaper and kerosene. We are using real charcoal we buy along the side of the road. Not match light or what ever the briquettes are called.

So When I informed Ryan we were grilling tonight, he usually would have said that sounded good. Today he was ready to have our gas grill and get rid of the charcoal one. Can’t say I blame him. But Chicken Fajitas off the grill taste 100% better than ones fried on the stove.

I decided to not try and catch you up on the last 2 weeks when we didn’t have email and instead tell you what we are doing today.


diane said...

So good to hear from you! I love the everyday stories, that's the stuff I like to how Levi loves to have breakfast over and he always asks for it as if it's a question, "breakfast?" f

What happened with the truck? Was it a big hassle? can reply to me in a comment if that's easier for you!

Anonymous said...

Loved hearing from you! Thanks for your encouragement. Your blog is great. I will make sure to check it often to stay in touch with your life in Kenya! You can stay up to date on me and my family thru my website. Hearing your stories makes me want to return to Africa so much. Maybe someday... Anyway, love seeing the pics of your boys, so cute. Titchie Field Day brings back memories of my time at RVA. My family will remember to pray for you and your ministry in Kenya and eventually Uganda. I'll be in touch!