Friday, April 07, 2006

Our First Ten Days

Where do I even start so much has happened already! We found out my cellphone will not work for email. Even though Ryan got the right cable while we were in the states, we were misinformed when we bought the phone. It can download ring tones from the internet, not to be confused with internet access which would send/receive my email. Since we don't know how long we are in Kenya, we don't want to invest in a phone that would do email for a short time. Randy, a friend at the hangar, has a thing to slide into the computer and could do email. It cost him $275. I think he would let us borrow it and if it works, maybe it would work in Uganda as well. But he is super busy as the head mechanic at the hangar. So until we can nail him down, I have to go to the hangar to do email.

The kids are over jet lag, it took a full week. Not fun, don't want to do that again anytime soon. It was so nice to sleep in our own house right from the first night. My friend Michelle drove me to the grocery store the first day and I shopped for 2 1/2 hours and spent all my money! By that first Saturday, Ryan had my truck running. Mobility is a wonderful thing. He still hasn't even touched his Land Rover which is sleeping in a field with a tarp over it.

The first morning, all the preschoolers came and knocked on our door, where is Caleb. The boys didn't settle down until 4 am that first night and slept til 10:30. They remembered the house and needed to go see the kitty who was waiting for them. They played outside the first week, got filthy dirty and slept happy. I am remembering why we give them baths every night. I think they are getting tan but its just dirt!

We unpacked our stuff quite quickly and went through most of the footlockers we had in storage. I sorted all our clothes out and came up with at least 4 boxes of faded clothes to give away. Its funny that when we were getting ready to leave a year ago, I didn't have the brain power or energy being pregnant to sort stuff out. Plus our stuff didn't look that bad, but after being in the states and seeing how bright clothes are suppose to be, my boy clothes were pretty shabby! We had such nice clothes that we brought backwith us that I could really clean out their closets.

Seeing people has been great. Everyone wants to know how I am feeling of course. And they think I look great, I forget I was 7-8 months pregnant when we left. They think Caleb grew, can't believe how much Levi talks, and comment first on Seth's wild hair and second on his bright blue eyes. Oncethey get to know him, they see what an easy if not lazy baby he is.

Today April 3, Dean's Birthday, I took Caleb and Levi to the grocery store Ilike best. Caleb had been asking when we would go to the old grocery store.he remembered the vegetable lady and she said she would have to startstocking cookies again, now that we are back. They each picked out two foodcolors and got hair cuts. When we got home, I made 4 batches of play doughwith the colors. They played in the drive way with all their play dough toys on my out side table. Than we had a picnic out there for lunch. We put the exersaucer in the driveway during the day. Seth loves to be outsideand watch the kids playing and the leaves rustling etc.

I am going to send this so will write more later, sorry its disjointed.once we get email my blogs will hopefully be more journal like.
Lots of Love Dawn

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