Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our Week in Florida

We are in Florida this week. Last weekend, we stayed with Tiffany and her kids. She is the wife of the pilot, Frank, who was killed. We attended a memorial service for Frank on Saturday. It hit me harder than I anticipated. I think I was over confident that I can handle it. I sobbed during the video tribute, thinking of all that Tiffany and I had lost. It was good to feel safe enough to cry.

On Monday the kids and I drove to the Orlando area and are staying with our friends, Rich and Sue Williamson, and their 3 kids. They have a pool! Oh joy for my kids. It is hot and humid here and they were sick of sitting in the car. After a good swim yesterday, they slept good last night.

Tuesday afternoon (today) I am meeting with Pastor Jim Wadley from our church to go over the plans for Ryan’s memorial service. The service will be this Saturday at First Baptist Church of Oviedo. This is the church that Ryan and I became members of when we lived here our first year of marriage. That was a good year and being back in the area brings back lots of good memories. I attended seminary while Ryan worked at a hangar in Sanford gaining experience as an airplane mechanic. Caleb was born here. This is our sending church.

Wednesday my 2 sisters fly in from MI. Diane and Debra are coming specifically to help with the kids. Debra left her husband and 2 kids behind. Diane got off from work just for me.

Thursday we go to Disney! Magic Kingdom here we come. I figure that Diane, Debra and I can handle 4 kids and have a good time. The tickets are a gift from friends as well as the hotel we will be staying at from Wednesday to Sunday.

Friday, we recover from Disney and play by the pool. My parents and my brother Dean are flying in from MI. We are looking forward to having our immediate family together plus my 4 kids. Dean’s wife Sarah stayed in WI with their 3 kids.

Ryan’s parents, his 2 sisters and their families will be staying in FL for the weekend with Ryan’s grandma.

Saturday at 11 am we have Ryan’s Memorial Service at First Baptist followed by a luncheon. If your coming, please stay for lunch. I heard we will be eating well. And this gives me a chance to say hi to people.

Sunday all of my family flies back to MI. Monday, I drive with my in laws back to NC.

So that is my week at a glance.

How are we?

Tired. We haven’t even been in the States a full 3 weeks yet and we are busy traveling all over the place. It would be overwhelming for us under normal conditions (Ryan still here). But on top of our grief, it is often too much. Ryan and I were a great team. I packed up the suitcases in an organized fashion. And he packed the van, knowing what needed to be easily available for me. He was always willing to pull out a bag or get something out of the cooler for me. Always for me in a way that made me feel special, at least most of the time. We did have our bickering moments too!

Now it’s all on me. On Monday, it took me almost 3 hours to fold the clean laundry, pack the suitcases, and load the van.

And when Ryan and I went on road trips, I read the map and gave him directions. He trusted me with this. He drove and I handled the kids needs as we drove.

Now I am driving, following directions from MapQuest and a tomtom, pumping gas at the service stations, keeping the kids happy meals straight, disciplining in the car, etc. Caleb has been good at getting the DVD player going for the kids in the back seat, and handing out snacks and juice cups. But by the time we get to our destination, unload the car, play in the pool, eat, bedtime, I am exhausted.

I’m not trying to be dramatic, but I am tired. The kids are tired. We are all dealing with underlying anger that breaks out in melt downs and short tempers. It’s not pretty, and it’s not normal. I keep hoping and praying it is only for a season and then we will establish a new normal.

I am asking more of all the kids. Seth (4) and Chloe (almost 3) need to be more patient and wait for mommy to finish what she is doing before she can get their snack or juice cup. Caleb (8) and Levi (6) are learning to roll their suitcases and help me unload the car. I’m trying not to add responsibilities that they are capable of all at once, just slowly, but they don’t have the energy to be more helpful as they did before.

Realizing that all of this is normal for grieving families is not all that comforting to me. I know how good we were as a family before the accident. And I want it back. I don’t like to see my kids melting down over little things that they would have shrugged off 2 months ago. When it happens in the grocery story, I want to tell people around me that they just lost their father and that my kids don’t usually act like this. I know I could tell people our news, but even that is tiring.

Something else I am struggling with is that I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring on Valentine’s Day this year. Ryan was going to replace it. But if he can’t pick out a new diamond for me, then I don’t want one. But I miss wearing my wedding ring. I want to take it a jeweler in MI and see if we can take the prongs out and make it into some kind of wedding band. I am wearing Ryan’s wedding band on my necklace. It’s hanging next to my pendant that has all my kids birthstones set in it. I wear it every day. But I want people to be able to look down at my left hand and see a wedding band. My husband didn’t leave me with 4 kids, he died. And that is a big comfort that I want strangers to realize. I still feel married. But I am a single mom.

Well that felt good to write, I realize these emails turn out very personal but people’s response is positive. So if I am able, I will let you see into my heart about certain things.


Anonymous said...

You are honest, darling, and not dramatic! Thank you for these glimpses into your heart. They help us to be more specific in our prayers for you and the kids. We feel your pain and hurt and that of the kids, and we hurt for you all.
When you are in MI, I want you to keep us in mind in case you ever need a place for the kids for the day or anything like that, we are here for you! (I know you have tons of family here, but hey, you never know!)
Wishing for you ALL an amazing time at Disney.
With love,
Aunt Lu

Carrie K. said...

I thank you for your honesty Dawn. My heart breaks for you and I am crying right along with you. I've never met you, but I feel like I've known you forever. I'm so sorry for the reason that you were brought into our lives, but because of your loss, I pray for you DAILY. May God give you the strength and grace that you need as you need it. Keep being honest. It's the only way we all know how to pray for you. Specifically. With love and prayers, Carrie (my husband graduated with Frank)

The Chilsons said...

Hey Dawn! Again, I know you don't know me, but I wanted you to know that you have been on my heart and mind a lot lately! Thank you for posting. I had prayed for you this morning, as well as Tiffany, and then Candace pointed me to your blog through hers...it is good to know how to pray more specifically.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are free to be so honest and straight forward with your feelings. I think that is good.
I am praying for you and thinking about you always.
We look forward to spending Christmas with you.
Lots of love to you, Caleb, Levi, Seth, and Chloe.

Lindy said...

Dawn, i don't know what you are going to think when i say this, but I have thought this since the funeral in NBO. You are my hero. You have no idea how much I look up to you. What made me realize this? At the service someone got up and spoke about you and I realized what a treasure you are. I was wishing so much that we could have known each other more before the accident. Knowing your humility, I know that you don't want to be a hero, but really- you exemplify a being a role model to me. I still think about you every single day and pray for you guys. I know you've heard this at least a million times, but I am just so sorry. I am overwhelmed for you...
thank you for sharing your heart with those of us who can't imagine being able to identify with you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn,
I wanted to let you know, that you have been in my prayers and thought a lot. My husband and I, we are missionaries in Madagascar, my husband is a pilot, and we adopted a little malagasy boy. We lived in MI for six months.Through friends in Kenya we heard about your family. I can't imagine, what you are going through. Still I feel so connected, not even knowing you. But there are so many similar facts in our lives, that I follow your blog and news and pray for you.
Thank you for sharing your heart and be sure, it only helps us to prayer better.
Tomorrow will be a hard day, but also a day, many people will be praying for you.

Much love,

Carrie Allen said...

Hi Dawn, here again reading your blog though you don't know me. But I just need you to know that you are a huge inspiration to me, and that I have been able to encourage others with your story as well. I am praying for you and your family, all the time.
