Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Chloe found a slug posted at her eye level on the side of our house. Convenient. She first whined about it, staring at it from 6 inches away. We went to see what the fuss was about and left her alone. Then she yelled at it and pointed at it. So her brothers would know of her discovery. She probably named it. Not sure.

Later Joyce went to check on her again and she had touched it enough to be slimed. Not knowing what to do, she sucked on her favorite two fingers named silver and gold. I think Joyce was thoroughly grossed out. She fetched her into the bathroom and scrubbed all her fingers especially silver and gold. Meanwhile Titus moved the slug to a safer place.

When Levi was 9 months old, he crawled outside to do some exploring and found a juicy slug on the sidewalk. It was juicy cause it had just rained and it was blocking Levi's progress on the sidewalk. Levi did what any curious 9 month old on his hands and knees would do. He picked up the slug and backed up so he could sit down comfortably. Than he tasted it, alot. We had a terrible time getting the slime off his face and hands. I think we even had to use salt on Levi to get it off.


Anonymous said...

I hope the slime didn't tarnish silver and gold! dl

Life in the 'Burbs said...

YUCK! Slime, Slugs, yeesh..none of that goes well with me! I'm glad you moved the slug so she couldn't put it in her mouth :o) When Elle was about 10 months old, we caught her holding a dead mouse in our basement. Talk about freak out time! To this day, I don't know if she ever got a taste.

diane said...

This made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!

"She probably named it. Not sure!" Too funny!

Ahh...I well remember Silver and Gold...are the tips of her fingers still flat from all the love they receive from their owner?