One Saturday morning in February, Ryan said to Dawn, "We should do something fun today." Dawn replied, "Like what?" "Let's take the kids to the Giraffe center." And Dawn agreed. I think Ryan was a little shocked, cause I can be a stick in the mud.
We had a great time. Chloe fell asleep on the way so we let her snooze in the van with the doors open under close monitoring. So she missed most of the photo op. Seth wanted to get in the tortouis enclosure, and the adult giraffe's head is as big as he is. They are much bigger than one might think when close up. Chloe wasn't so crazy about feeding the giraffe's, their tongues are slimey and rough. She has a thing about slime.
In other news, our digital camera has died. It was a hand-me-down which we really appreciated and lasted a good four years, but it has died. It's been limping for a while. But our sony HDV handy cam takes pretty good pics. The memory card holds 11 cards, its the small card the camera came with. So today I dug out the manual and figured out how to download these giraffe pics. Next I figured out how to use the flash better. Chloe tends to be a shadow or the boys are over exposed. So hopefully I can blog more often now, now that we have a working camera option again.