We have a "ligi ndogo" club in town, which means little league only for soccer. Eric's mom (Carrie) sent Eric to play but all the Kenyan kids his age where much better and more confident in their skills. Soccer is huge here, like learning to ride a bike for our kids is in the states. So she hired one of the refs to teach the kids soccer at her house, her compound is around the corner from ours. We pay 50 ksh for a once a week practise (less than a $1.00). I am impressed with the coach. He knows how to teach, is very patient, and makes sure the kids are having fun.
Eric practised with him for a year I think and now at ligi ndogo, his other coach was impressed with his skills.
We like Caleb being with other kids, not just our neighbors, taking turns, and being on a team. He also didn't want to go this week cause he was having fun with Zach. But he did, I told him he needs to finish what he starts. Someday, that might make sense to him!
Caleb looks soooo old! Has he lost any teeth yet??
Caleb looks soooo old! Has he lost any teeth yet??
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