I made a special raspberry, cream cheese coffee cake which we devoured our first morning for breakfast.
Chloe at 2 1/2 years old. The kids got robes from the used clothes market. They enjoyed wearing them on the cold mornings.
Seth is 3 1/2 years old, he seems to be outgrowing his excema.
Levi is 5 1/2 years old.
Caleb at 7 1/2 years. He's lost two teeth.
The kids all fit in the tub. Everynight, Ryan built a fire in the wood burning water heater to heat water for baths, and it warmed up the cabin nicely. It got quite cold at night.
Chloe and Seth by the cow pasture, we saw a new born calf.
Ryan and Seth doing the dishes.
We ate lunch on the front porch every day.
Chloe napping in the tent. We could hear her snoring.
Ryan tented in front of the cabin, one night with each boy. Chloe took a nap one afternoon with daddy.
The boys and a packed to the gills van.
that looks like so much fun! I might need to get all the particulars so we can go one day!
The tub picture is so fun!! What a great get-away! You're making great memories!! (The best times are not the ones that necessarily cost the most!! :) The kiddos are growing up! We're praying that all will go well with the final steps of Chloe's adoption so that you'll be able to come to the States again soon!
Aunt LuAnn and family <><
Love the pics!!! and the stories!!
Thanks for such a fun update!! It's so fun to see how big all the kids are getting :o)
Dear brothers in Christ,
May the God of all consolation bless your lives in this sad moment.
I pray for the Ryan health.
In the love of Jesus,
Pr. Nill
Araucária, Paraná, Brazil.
Praying like mad for you all right now, especially Ryan.
Aunt Lu, Uncle Al and family
(Our church will be praying too.)
We are praying our little hearts out for all of you right now and the Toews family!
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