Too many weeks have already gone by this year, stressful weeks, but this week has been different. Ryan has eaten dinner with us 3 times already.
Monday, Caleb went shopping with me and helped carry my grass woven baskets into the grocery store. (my effort at being green). We couldn't find him any sandals, he is huge these days. He helped me run all my errands at yaya, good time with my eldest.
Tuesday, started Bible Study again. We are doing Daniel with Beth Moore. After a 10 week break, it was time to dig in the word again. Also good to see ho evveyone was doing since the election. Many stories of God's faithfulness.
Wednesday, our Home Schooling Books arrived in 2 boxes. I ordered kindergarten and 2nd grade in July. It was shipped to NY and placed on a container in August. It was s uppose to arrive in November, but got to Mombasa (port city) in December or January. And than it sat there as 1000's of containers got jammed at the port after the election. People couldn't get to work and than truck drivers didn't want to drive for fear of illegal road blocks. Lots of looting and burning of trucks happening.
Levi and I went to the hangar to pick up the boxes and see Ryan. The boys helped unload the boxes from the van but mostly got caught up looking at all the wonderful books. Joyce (my house help) asked Caleb if she could go to school with him cause he had such interesting books. I spend the rest of the day until 10 pm sorting everything out so we can get started Thursday. Also got a massage, my arms feel numb and legs ache, feel much better now.
Thursday, I have a luncheon meeting at Java House for the hospitality committee. Purely business!
Friday, I am hosting Ladies Prayer Meeting in the morning. In the evening, Ryan and I are going to a movie with friends. National Treasure is just coming out.
How was your week?
Also got hooked up to skype and making phone calls for cheap!
what a lot of nice books, i think i could even enjoy looking at them but not teaching from them. i would rather just be OMA . love you
My weeks have been great. Busy as usual with things I don't even realize eat up my time. Sometimes I hate being an adult!
So glad you finally got your books! I remember the sticky notes choosing pages in your catalogs and your excitement over all the options!
Yeah for teachers! (and I must say, you have the most beautiful students!)
Thanks for your comment about my blog. Judi Troutman came up to see me here for the day. She and I saw the birds mentioned in my last blog. Good to see her!
Hey, what did you guys need to do to get skype. I here that is easy, but what is involved. Did you guys get all the equipement there in Kenya or did it have to be sent from the States? Gloria
I don't use the uuplus address any more. Can just use my aimint here in the States. Delete it as I am pretty sure I won't be using it in Kenya when I return in June.
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