We had a wonderful Christmas, the kids enjoyed the season immensely. And our joy came from watching them.
Babu arrived Sunday night and finished off our Christmas celebration Monday morning. Oma and Babu came over Monday bearing gifts! I am the most excited about Chloe's. My sister Deb picked out exactly what I would have picked out for my daughter. Chloe unwrapped a beautiful life sized baby doll. The doll has yet to be named beyond dollie. I want to wait and see what Chloe will call her doll. The doll has silky black hair, a realistic baby face, and baby toes along with a soft body.
She also received a graco baby set of toys for her dollie. A swing, high chair, car seat, pack-n-play, diaper bag, and stroller. Toys she can play with for years. Seth has fun pushing the stroller around the house for Chloe.
After we took the Christmas tree down, we made room for the girl toys in the living room. I have pink girl toys in my living room. Along side the toy motorcycles, tractors, and cars.
Thanks to Deb!

Deb even found pretty barrettes with Chloe's name on them and put them in the dolls hair.

I can't wait to meet her and watch her play with her girlie cousins!f
Jack's comment about the pic with Babu: "Is that Babu? He lost his legs!"
Look close at the pic, it's what it looks like! have fun
Isn't it fun to have a girly girl? Elise loves her many babies, and Anna is crazy about her American Girl dolls. I'm glad they're girlie because I don't know what I would do with a tomboy!
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