I have a picture of me with each of my baby boys. Each one is in a white frame in Chloe's room. I have one empty frame that needs to be filled. Chloe's frame. Until now. I am going to order this picture today to fill my Baby Girl frame and have four frames with me and each of my babies.
You better get used to holding her now...b/c I'm quite sure that I'm going to hold her for 8 weeks straight.
Her tiny face is more cuteness than I can bare. Puh-leeze.
She's precious, Dawn. It sure seems like I should have been there for your shower. I think I'll make flight reservations for next week to Nairobi... oh, yeah - I'm in charge of VBS next week. Well, you know I would if I could!
That baby is just so darn CUTE!!!!!
I want to hold her!.
What a honey!! Her family over here wants to meet her so badly :o) The other day, Sam and Elle were counting how mnay cousins they had. They included Chloe as if she had always been in the family :o)
I had no idea! It's Sunday afternoon and I have a bit of time to myself so thought I'd check your blog sight. Haven't read anything since Caleb's chameleon poem. Oh my! A little girl! Can't EVEN imagine! So happy for you all! Must say I was straining to see all the people in the Baby shower pics! I miss everyone. Sometimes I feel so torn between life/people in Nairobi, here and our future place of service. More later via email. Kelly Mc
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