Hi Everyone,
I hope you are well! We are almost ready for our big move back to Kenya. My weeks are full. This is what’s next.
Full-time Job
My full time job for the last 11 years has been at home. Since I’ve applied for a RN position at RVA, I’ve wondered if I’ll have the energy for each day. The answer is yes, but not until that day. Today, God grants me what I need for this day only. I start my full time job as a school nurse in Student Health on December 30 with Staff Inservices. The next week, the boarding students arrive. Student Health has several full-time nurses and a couple of part-time nurses. I will buddy up with a nurse each day for my orientation. And I’m ready. That’s an amazing miracle for me not just to say but to feel. I’m ready to work full time.
My mom is coming with me for 6 weeks to help with our transition. We are moving into a new house, starting a new school, and a new job. The kids and I need my mom to be at home keeping things peaceful. That’s her job and she is good at it. I learned from the best. She will help us get into a new routine of getting to school and work in the mornings. And in the evenings, figuring out each kids homework. And I need to figure out how to get dinner on the table and kids in bed without me melting down.
RVA and staffing
RVA is a large boarding school primarily for missionary kids. None of the missionary staff at the school including teachers, administrators, dorm parents, nurses, etc receive a salary from RVA. This allows the school to keep costs down and tuition affordable for missionaries who send their kids to the school. I will not be receiving a salary from RVA. I will continue to be a faith based missionary which means I need to raise my own support. God is responsible for meeting my needs. I can let you know what those needs are.
My Needs as a Missionary.
If God is prompting you to pray, that is most important. That is why I sleep at night instead of worry about what I have to do yet.
If God is prompting you to encourage, write me, please. Any encouragement you have to give, will be received.
If God is prompting you to help, I am much more open to receiving help with the kids and with packing then I was even a month ago.
If God is prompting you to give, at the end of the letter are instructions about how to give. Support can be one-time, any number times a year, or monthly. Just do what God wants you to do. He has a way of multiplying our gifts. My support is not at 100%. I am short about $1700 a month. I am planning to be at RVA for 2-3 years before our next visit to the states. And I will need financial support the entire time.
Giving Financially
The easiest way to give is online. I support missionaries by having my monthly giving deducted automatically from my checking account. I’ve also given one time gifts online by using my credit card. Sending a check to the AIM office with a note designating it for the support of Dawn Williams, will also work.
For those who want to send checks, please send your support to the address you see below. Just a reminder - any checks sent for our support are to be made out to Africa Inland Mission. Please do not include my name on the memo line, but include a note that your support is for Dawn Williams. AIM will send you a receipt.
Africa Inland Mission
PO Box 3611
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269-7611
Automatic withdrawals from checking or to a credit card are an easy way to ensure consistent giving. Look at the AIM site: www.aimint.net and follow the directions under Giving for both Online Giving and Automatic Deductions.
If you need to contact the AIM office by phone, the numbers are: (800) 254-0010 or (845) 735-4014.
Or you can email me with your questions, and I can try and give more detailed help.
Lately this song is on my mind:
Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
I see mountains of work and worry ahead of me each day. And then I remember. My God can move these mountains. Mountains of worry that my support won’t be 100%. Mountains of clothes that won’t fit in the luggage. Mountains of people to say good-bye too. My God will handle the mountains. And it will all get done before I board my airplane to Kenya. It Will Get Done!
May God bless you and keep you, as He keeps me,