Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rhymes and Stories by Caleb

A Number Rhyme
By Caleb Williams

One, two, the cow goes moo.
Three, four, the loose floor.
Five, six, make a mix.
Seven, eight, the apple he ate.
Nine, ten, get the wren.

Tucker Goes to the Vet.
By Caleb Williams

I am a vet. Here is a sick animal. It is a dog. It is Tucker. His foot is hurt. It has a thorn in it. I can cure it. I can take the thorn out. The End

February 12, 2009

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Village Celebration

Dictated by Caleb Williams

Long, long ago there lived a village. And one kid said, “Why don’t we have a wild boar tonight.” “Good idea,” said Avery and Caroline. So they went to catch a wild boar. So they went. They came back with a wild boar. And the village made a fire. And they cooked it. And it was turning night. So they started a celebration. And it was good. The End

February 5, 2009

A Story about Bumble Bee

By Levi Williams

Once upon a time there was Bumble Bee. He saw a bad guy. So he decided to transform into a transformer. So he got his gun out. So he got tons of guns out. And the bad guy had two guns. So he fighted the bad guy. Who won? Bumble Bee won.

February 5, 2009