First they unbraided her hair which frizzed it all over. When her hair is braided, it relaxes and becomes much longer.
Second they cut lengths of black yarn and Maggy started braiding these extensions into a small portion of Chloes hair right at the roots. She didn't like that part cause it pulled. Once Maggy had the yarn secured, it was painless to have the rest braided. Until the next portion. We thought all extensions where made up of fake hair. But not for little kids, they just use yarn. Once Maggy had several braids started, Beth could finish by stringing the beads. We asked for pink and white.
After the first hour, Chloe was fried. Sick of sitting on laps, sick of being entertained. Sick of having her hair pulled. So I gave her a dose of Tylenol and a dose of an antihistamine similar to Benadryl. In about a half an hour, she was much more content to sit and suck her fingers.
Most Kenyan mama's braid their baby girls hair when they are sleeping. Chloe only sleeps in her bed, she isn't used to falling asleep on any one's lap that is holding her. But after 2 1/2 hours, lunch, and drugs, she fell asleep on Ryan's shoulder. She slept another 1/2 hour until they were finished. Of course when Ryan put her in her crib for a nap, she woke up. We found out she wasn't at all used to sleeping on beads and braids. Tonight I put her braids in piggy tails, hopefully that will help.
The next morning was Sunday. I had searched all over the used clothes market for this dress. I love it. I love the smocking on the front. I paid 300 ksh or about $3.50. I feel like the fun of having a daughter never ends.